Condensation of Perception
Chiisai-Kaisha Kichi (Small corporation base), where the exhibition was held, used to be a historical residence in an island called Onomichi, Hiroshima, and it was turned into an alternative space by a group of young artists. They are still running the base, cherishing the relationship with the local people there, while also having young and anarchistic philosophy at the same time. In order to present such attitude of theirs, in this exhibition, they created an installation where the records of those present would be made tangible.
With the visitors’ permissions, wax life masks of their face were placed inside the historical residence, and the images were presented in which their consciousness touched the surrounding air and emerged on surface as if condensation.
Wax, which has no structure or strength, changed its form gradually, with lights going through it. By presenting the contradiction between change over time and the recording process at the same time, this work provided opportunity to observe the relativity the place had and the momentary events.