We Could Be Turned Inside Out In The Jell
As part of our exhibition “we rotate in the jelly” in May 2015, we soaked people in jelly. While we recorded the moment they went into the jelly and the subsequent process, we simultaneously exhibited the recordings. Rather than covering people with jelly to make moulds, we actually placed them in a container filled with jelly. What used to be air before tangibly emerged as an object, and we turned the experience itself of being completely soaked into an art piece.
In fact, in my opinion, we are living our daily lives without much consciousness as to how much of space belongs to ourselves. By throwing our perception of space into question, I am hoping to acquire a new sense.
From its viscous state, jelly gradually hardened and more firmly stuck to the skin of the people inside, and thus they were separated from the outside world, partly in fear and partly in excitement. Although jelly, as an object, separated them from their surroundings, vague lights and sounds got through it. The relationship between the person inside it and the outer world was as if that between a baby in the womb and its mother. While continuously showing sexual aspects, it also showed the realistic relationship between life and death in its structure.
The relationship between inside and outside might appear very simple on surface. However, I believe these unconscious perceptions of ours are profound.
2015 年5月の「私たちはゼリーのなかで反転する」という展覧会では、人間にゼリーのなかに入ってもらい、その過程と入った瞬間の光景と、それらの記録を同時に展示しました。型をとるのではなく、実際に型の中に入る。今まで空気だった部分が実際に物質として出現し、密着して包み込まれるという体験そのものを作品としました。